

I commit to meeting and, over time, exceeding the leading information security standards for small business enterprises-set by the European Union.

I am aware of risks faced by clients and vendors. Businesses handling client information have a responsibility to safeguard that information against unauthorized use. I also know you need me to be reliable and meet my commitments to you.

My login standards keep you safe from common threats. Backups ensure I meet my deadlines to you.


Strong logins

Credential stuffing is a threat where passwords stolen from one service are used by criminals to unlock accounts at another service.

I am aware of such threats. I am implementing strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (glossary) for services and products that I use to operate my business.

What this means is that stolen passwords cannot be used to access my accounts. My accounts contain your data, and I take my responsibility of safeguarding your data seriously.

Read about how to build safer business through modern login practices.


Resilient backups

30% of people have no backups of their data, their files, the documents they rely on to function day-to-day.

I am implementing offsite automatic backups to recover from the most common incidents involving data loss. My backups allow me to meet deadlines even if I experience IT issues.

What this means is that I have taken steps to ensure IT incidents, big and small, have the least possible impact on my commitments to you.

Read about how to build safer business through modern backup tools.